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Bow String Bridge


A "bow string" iron bridge was placed near the band stand replica at Old Jefferson Town in August of 1974.  It will span a small ravine above the pond beside the Wellman School building. 


Patented in the 1860's, this "bow-string bridge is of unique design with other one other of the same style in Jefferson County.  It was originally located across Rock Creek in 1875, 1 1/2 miles north of Meriden.  Sometime in the 1950's it was relocated on a road now closed 1 1/2 miles south and 4 miles east of Valley Falls.  This third and final placement was supervised by William K. Rhodes, McLouth, chairman of the buildings and ground committee at the time. 



*This information was taken from an excerpt from an article in the Oskaloosa Independent, 29 August 1974.  

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